Tuesday 7 December 2010

Target Audience

My target is audience will be for girls aged 12 – 16. I have researched and looked into the codes and conventions of music magazines and have decided to go for a teenager “pop” approach.

There aren’t many girly music magazines in the market current as this is dominated by rock and metal magazines. Some examples of girly magazines are Top of the Pops which is owned by BBC Magazines and Smash Hits. Both of these magazines promote the Pop Sector of music magazines. The front pages of them are jam-packed full of puff’s which attract the young audience. They use words like “Hot stuff” and “Phwaor”. The use of exclamation marks makes every word and sentence exciting.

I have chosen this target audience as I believe I can create a pop music magazine with all the conventions of the magazines in the current market, but slightly alter it, so there isn’t so much information on the front cover, contents or double page spreads.

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