Monday, 6 December 2010

Questionnaire Results

I asked my interviewees if they were male or female. As I wanted to aim my magazine at females, I asked more women. This means I would get more female opinions. This will help me understand the demand of my audience.

I also asked the respondents how old they were. My target audience will fit into the 10-18 category so I was able to get some opinions from females between the ages of 10-18. 

A music magazine will consist of music, obviously. So I asked my audience whether or not they were interested in music. If they were not, they wouldn't have any intentions of purchasing a music magazines.

I then asked which types of music people listen to. The majority of respondents said pop. It seems that most people prefer pop music compared to others. I asked some interviewees why they said this. One said "...because pop music is much more interesting. I love reading music magazines that talk about pop-focused bands."

Music magazines can be sold weekly, fortnightly and once a month. I asked how often do my potential customers buy music magazines. This will also help me decide on how often my magazine would be sold. It appears people generally buy magazines once a week and sometimes once a month.

Penultimately, I asked what people look for when they buy a music magazine. Most respondents said that they enjoy reading the articles. One person said "...I love reading articles about my favourite bands. It's interesting to find out what their lives are like..."

Finally, I asked the respondents to tell me what each colour could represent. This is what they told me. It seems that pink and purple would connote girly-colours very well. I will then use this for my magazine.

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