Tuesday 7 December 2010

Final Product - Front Cover

This is my front cover for the magazine POP! I have decided to target my magazine at young teenager girls that are interesting in pop music and gossip. Like most magazines with the genre, I have tried to conform to the codes and conventions, however, I have challenged the stereotypes. Most magazines with this genre have a front page full of puffs and pictures, but I decided to go for a more relaxed and not-so-in-your-face view.

I have kept to the girly focused colour scheme of pinks and purples. This conforms to the stereotypical female based magazines. The image I have taken has been manipulated as I have changed Jess' lip colour as they were quite pale. I have also filled in her should (on the right) as there was originally someone elses hand there.

The text I chose reflects on the girly style. It is called ElizaJane. I used it for the masthead as the hearts could then be associated with the magazine image. The girly hearts will make teenage girls more interested, along with the free give aways - such as the free poster which is advertised in the top right hand corner.

I originally left the magazine cover as it was without the story that was in the bottom right hand corner, but I felt that it made the page look too bare.

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